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There are different types of treatments, among these, 4 therapies to help people with dementia: 

1-cognitive stimulation: set of various techniques working areas such as memory, calculus, perception, attention or language. 

2-Physiotherapy and therapeutic exercise: Physical exercise helps everyone, especially people with this disease, helping to improve mood, helping to sleep better, balance, coordination, etc.


3-Therapy with dogs: There are improvements in the physical, social, emotional and cognitive level, having a positive impact on their mood, motivation and general mobility. 

4-Music therapy: Music is an excellent way to communicate, to let out creativity and emotions. 
These therapies are given a lot in residences of Third Age, people with dementia, with Alzheimer or even people without paddecer diseases of this type to be able to prevent them.

Apart from these therapies there are different medicines to improve dementia, some of these are: 

- Antipsychotics: For hallucinations and sleep disorders. 
- Antidepressants: for agitation and depression that causes this disease. 
- Vitamin E: There are scientific studies that show that vitamin E brings many benefits to memory.

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