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What it is?


The dementia is a disease or syndrome that imply a decline of the mental ability, the intelligence, the memory and the behavior, so that is grave enough for realize activities different in the daily live.

The dementia has a great physical impact, psychological, social and economic, what also affect to the carers or family of this people who suffer.


Who affect?

In people: the dementia doesn’t have definitive age, if not that happen to the people that abuse of the alcohol or suffer a ethylic coma.

Unlike of the Alzheimer this usually suffer it the 3º age’s people.

In the human body: usually affect varied function of the brain; as the memory, the thinking, the language and the behaviour.

Types of dementia

Cortical Dementia: the cerebral damage principally affect to the cerebral cortex. It tends to cause problems in the memory, the language or the thinking.

Subcortical Dementia: it affect to the parts of brain that they find each other under of the cortex. It cause changes in emotions and movement.

Progresive Dementia: it is the one that gets worse over time. It is the one that most interferes in a greater number of routine skills.

Primary Dementia: is the type that comes closest to Alzheimer's.

Secundary Dementia: it happen how result of a damage or of a physical illness.


ERASMUS+ 2016/17        2017/18

Scuola Immacolata Di Novara,  (Italy)
Agrupamento  De Escolas De Cristelo (Portugal)
Collège Du Plantaurel, Cazères (France)
Colegio Aurelio Gómez Escolar, (Spain)

Universidad de Burgos (Spain)

                   Work fulfilled for:

Sara Orenes Arroyo  Arián Amo Cuesta

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